A Strong Marketing Plan is Awfully Important for the Growth of Business

A strong marketing plan is extremely important to make the business grow. A marketing plan plots the way which the business has to follow. A comprehensive marketing plan may base the product, the targeted clients, the profit goal and the strategy on which the employees of the company will work. The business figures out of what people need, the organization has to produce a product as per the needs of the people. After the product been established, the company has to think of how makes it reach to the public and convince them that it is the only product that can help their cause.

A strong marketing plan is based on four Ps. Just extracting a marketing plan and communicating it verbally to the employees is not wise enough. A marketing plan in a hard copy distributed to each employee and assigning each of them a particular task according to their capabilities can be more helpful.

The first P among the four Ps stands for:


Before launching a product, the planners have to estimate of who will buy it? Why will people buy it? How can it be better than the other similar products available in the market? And other such questions have to be answered even before producing a sample.


The price has to be set considering the targeted market. If the company wants to enjoy the benefits of the economies of scale, it has to sell the product at a lower price. But, if the company wants to earn big profits in short term, it will be sold at a higher price.


Promotion deals with the advertising strategy, the mediums of advertisement and other such things.


Place refers to the market that the company will target to sell its product. The choices for places are among the international market, the rural areas of the company or the urban areas.

To make the business prosper, it is necessary to protect the marketing plan of the company with due care. The best and easiest way of doing so is to use security software that can Lock Folders. If a marketing plan of a company gets leaked and fall into the hands of rivals, it can be disastrous for the business.

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What Can Save From The Brutal Attacks Of The Hackers?

The majority of the people who consider the computer as their basic working tool are afraid of data loss. But, not every person who has this fear in mind is actually aware of what data breach really is. Data breach is the distribution of confidential data illegally or without the consent of the owner of the data. Businessmen may suffer heavily on occurrence of data breaches which leak their business secrets. Financial loss, loss of goodwill or reputation and fines are some common losses that a business may suffer due to information leakage.

Data breach may result due to a careless act of an employee such as; losing a portable data storing device, getting his laptop theft and other similar scenarios. Another extremely ordinary type of data breach is due to the hackers’ attacks. It will be interesting to discuss that how these cyber criminals commit crime so efficiently. The cyber criminals may send an email containing a mal link that can give them access to the computer of the user on being clicked. They just send this email to thousands of random addresses and sit back and wait for their prey to fall in their plot. The email is usually very tempting that out of thousands of people, tens or hundreds will click the link.

Once the link is clicked, the remaining job becomes a piece of cake for the crooks. These criminals then dig out their desired data out of the system quite easily. To prevent such data breach, you should avoid clicking any such mal link that an alien email contain. It will be even better to use security software that can Lock Folders, so that, even if a cyber devil gets into your computer, he will not be able to get the data out. These e-crooks are actually professional criminal, so you should not do anything stupid that may cause a problem for you, your family or your property. Once you receive such email, you should consult with the relevant authorities.

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How to Hide Your Private Videos

images (1)Majority of the people do not want to share absolutely everything with the world. There are certain things which you only want to keep within yourself. It may be some sort of literature, poetry, pictures or even videos that you create with pure heart; it can be very close to your heart. Consequently, you do not want to show it to others. Your secret videos may be saved somewhere physically or virtually on your PC. If you have some embarrassing videos, you can use basic hiding techniques as well as opt for data security software which can lock and hide videos.

One of the basic techniques of hiding your private videos is to save them in an invisible folder. Creating an invisible folder is not a difficult task to perform. There are detailed instructions available on the internet; you can easily find step-by-step instruction on websites. Another way of hiding you private videos is to hide them by making a “hole in the wall”, which is the most basic method of securing your private videos from prying eyes. These techniques are effective to make the videos inaccessible, but are not fool proof methods. Anyone can discover these pictures out of an invisible folder or hole in the wall who have some reasonable know how about the windows.

The most recommended way to hide your private videos is to password protect them using data security software like Folder Lock. Folder Lock acts as a Folder Locker. And you can keep as many videos in your encrypted locker as you please. There is no way that anyone can see your videos because of the password protection. Folder Lock will make your videos inaccessible without the password.

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Laptop Stolen, Along With 5 Years Worth Of Written PHD Thesis.

Rutgers-Stolen-AdIn our lifetime, most of us have experienced loss, which may or may not have had a significant impact on us. On the other hand, if you haven’t experienced such an event, then you are one of the few lucky ones out there. However, for the most of us we know how it feels. First, you begin to panic and start searching for your valuable item, followed by a wave of desperation which can churn up your stomach – a feeling that’s quite easy to recall. However, one such incident of Laptop Theft has even captured the attention of local media – involving theft of a laptop which had 5 years of PHD thesis research saved on it. Consequently, a Rutgers PHD student who had his laptop stolen was not concerned about losing the actual laptop – it was the data on his stolen laptop – a thesis on his PHD degree on which he worked for over 5 years to write. After realizing that if he is unable to get that data back, he won’t be able to graduate, he decided to take drastic action against getting his data back.

As a result, he decided to offer the thief a reward of $1000 plus dollars in return for his thesis. According to Logan Westwood, data security strategist for New Software’s.net, an information security organization dedicated to preventing data leaks and data theft, pinpoints that the victim should have encrypted his thesis and then should of made a backup of that encrypted folder. According to Westwood, he’s not surprised about the nature of the theft. Every year, millions of laptops are stolen which contain sensitive unsecured data, which end up resulting in lost revenues for companies, identity fraud of victims, and even crimes committed in the victims’ names.

Westwood further emphasizes the need to lock folders which contain data such as thesis or other confidential documents, so that potential plagiarizers are not able to steal credit for such work.

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What Is Internet Security and Why It’s Important?

Have you ever thought about securing your browsing? What if you find someone spying over your system? Alarming situation it would be! You might have stuff in your system which is strictly confidential and privacy oriented, or something which you definitely would not like to share with anyone.

Internet security is going to help you in that case. Securing your internet is a practice which enables you to swim and surf over the net around a protected shield. Internet security plays an eminent role in different sectors such as military, intelligence, other forces and even financial sectors.

crimDue to continuous advancement in technology, cyber crime is penetrating rapidly in smart criminal minds and this mafia of cyber crime is making its way clearer by invading the privacies and getting into different systems stealing the data and confidential information.

Here what secures your internet is getting your browsing protected by different tools. But most importantly what you need to make sure is that whichever tool you get, it must be genuine and trustworthy. In that case you certainly need to contact an internet security provider who provides you with optimum security services along with complete satisfaction and trust.

Internet security is a very helpful tool which gives you comfort of secured browsing. You can freely mingle the data and information on your system once it gets protected by a genuine security tool such as tool that can lock folders.

Undoubtedly internet while using has to be secured when you are working something confidential on it. The internet security tool is certainly a blessing for internet users who use internet for confidential use. Nowadays, in many businesses, it is hardly possible to keep their systems unprotected from any security therefore internet security has turned into an essential need for businesses rather than just a simple basic tool.

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