The Huge Threats that are Imposed on Your Data


It is mandatory to know the problem completely in order to plan a proper solution for it.  Today, the technology has given us a number of blessings, but, simultaneously, there are some real drawbacks of the technology. One of the basic disadvantages of technology is risk of losing data. Data security has been a growing concern for all the computer users all around the globe for almost a decade. Yet, no one is able to control this problem. Here are some of the ways that can you keeping yourself protected from this huge threat.

Poor Networking Can Cause Data Breach

There are different well known companies in the world that offer companies secure networking services. Their budget may vary from company to company and the kind of network they provide. Businesses should invest on this dimension of the business as it can save them from a number of terrifying losses. Secure network usually keeps companies’ data secure.

Improper Deletion of Files Can Compromise Data Security

The majority of the computer users are not aware of the fact that deleted files can easily be extracted out. You need to shred your files properly using some software that can help your cause of keeping your data protected.

The threat of getting Data Copied

Whether you are a student or an entrepreneur, your data have been always at risk of getting copied. As a student, you must be worried about that your assignments of thesis work do not get copied by any other student. As a business person, you have a fear that what if someone copies your business plan, marketing strategies, financial records or client information. You are justified for having this fear, but, there is an easy solution for your problem, just use Copy Protect and do not worry about this issue of getting your data copied.

Lack of Knowledge Regarding Email Threats

Usually, the computer users think that email is a secure way of communication and any information kept in their email account is inaccessible. However, the email account is very easy to be hacked and they get hacked often. Try to keep as less information in your email account as possible and try to use encrypted emails for the purpose of sharing confidential documents.

Underestimating the Significance of Strong Passwords

A strong password is the first line of defense of your information. However, computer users do not pay much of an attention towards setting up a strong password. The statistics revealed last year regarding password were astonishing. The most commonly used passwords used last year was “123456” and the second most used password was “12345”. However, experts advised to set up a complex combination capital and small letters with numbers and symbols. A password should be easy to remember, but, tough to guess.

Your data is your precious asset; you can never be assured that you will not get hit by any hacker or data thief who will steal your data. No matter what kind of information you have saved digitally can cause you losses if it gets leaked. So keep your data secure and avoid being a victim of such a hazardous problem.

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Piracy is Hazardous for Businesses as well as for Individuals


Producers are losing huge amounts of profits as people are streaming latest movies, series and songs online for free. Actors, producers, directors, singers and everybody related to those projects appeal people to buy the original content rather than the pirated one. There is a firm in US that lost half of its revenue due to the leakage of their licensed content as Wall Street claims. However, it is not necessary that if a person sees a movie or listens a song online does not mean he or she is enjoying it for free. Sometimes, the content uploaded can be bought by a company or person for the purpose.

Piracy is not just a problem of highly reputed directors, producers, actors or singers; actually, every person that is somehow related to a creative job is afraid of piracy. It is a terrible dream for a painter; writer or a poet that he makes or writes something by heart and it gets stolen and published with the name of some other person. In order to avoid such enormous trauma, it is better to use software that can provide your data Copy Protection, so that your work can only belong to you. It is the most terrible feeling when an artist sees his or her work published with the name of some other person and gets its credit.

Piracy is a crime that has some extreme punishments as per the laws of the countries that may differ from other countries. Piracy can be included in data theft as well as it imposes a huge threat to revenues so other acts also apply for it. People who publish or use this pirated material are not the only criminals, but also the people who utilize these pirated pieces are also at the fault. So stop using pirated content and opt for the licensed one.

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How to Prevent Theft of Intellectual Property


Innovation doesn’t come easy, and when you do finally mange to invent something with ground-breaking potential – everyone wants in on the action – they want to get their hands on your invention.  Out of all the inventions, the internet, the computer and the smart phone has had the greatest impact on our economies, personal lives, and overall quality of life – both in a positive and negative light.

It seems, blue prints for virtually any innovative idea is drawn out on computers since the past decade or so, for example, schematics for  a new aircraft design; a blue print for new long lasting battery for electrical cars, or even a secret recipe for a food dish. Consequently, these ideas – if put into practical means – can make the inventor rich – and perhaps even land him or her into the record books. Therefore, it is easy to see why new inventions are so highly sought after by competitors and criminals alike. Time and time again, there are countless stories of new, ground breaking innovation ideas stolen from their inventors.  For example, you probably know that Galileo Galilee was the inventor of the telescope – much to your shock – he actually stole the idea from Dutchman Hans Lippershey. Next, you probably heard of Alexander Fleming – the “so called” inventor of penicillin – he too stole the formula for penicillin from Ernest Duchesne. Finally, guess who invented the telephone? If you said Alexander Graham Bell – you my friend – are ringing the wrong bell! Bell stole the idea for the telephone from Antonio Meucci who first demonstrated the idea of a working telephone in Italy. So, there you have it.  These are just a few examples of the stolen ideas and how we associate the modern invention – whether you like it or not, the credit for these inventions will always lie with those who stole them – there is nothing much you can do about it.

Now, imagine if someone steals your idea? Although, contemplating such an event could be hard to swallow – incidents of intellectual property theft happen every day.  Whether it’s a source code for new software you are working on, or your college thesis, it is likely that it is stored on your computer somewhere in an unprotected state right now. Now imagine if someone – take for example your room mate – steals your nearly complete college thesis and submits it before you do. Later, you get academically suspended for submitting a duplicate thesis. What can you do to prove your innocence? There’s not much you can do. So, the question arises, how can you protect yourself from such incidents? Well, for once you can password protect your confidential files with data security software, and in case you need to share – yet prevent copying of your creative works – you use Copy Protection software which prevents others from copying your work.

Data – especially if it is the most important type – should be safeguarded with utmost vigilance. As technology progresses, data is knowledge, and when you have true knowledge, it becomes easy convert it into cash.

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All Researches are NOT meant to be Trusted Blindly


The majority of the people does not like to cross check the results of any research and trust the outcomes of studies blindly. You do not need to be too intellectual to figure out that the result of any particular research is bogus. For example, some of the studies’ results show that the worst fear of people is public speaking and the second worst fear is death. You do not need to be much cleverer to realize that the outcome of this research is bogus. If a person is given a choice to choose between one, either attend a funeral and speak in front of people or make people to attend your funeral. As far as I know any person with ordinary prudence choose to speak at a funeral rather than lie down in a casket and ready for being buried.

There was a research conducted Stollznow that reveals that about 61 percent of the IT professional are afraid of extra work of fixing an incident of data breach. On the other hand, almost 49 percent of the IT experts are worried about losing customers. Surprisingly, merely 39 percent of the IT professionals are concerned about their jobs that they might lose it due to a data breach incident. The research was nothing more than a lame strategy of defaming IT pros and proving themselves selfish as they do not want to do extra work. The funny part is that if you add up 61%, 41% and 39% it exceeds 100% that is not possible. If you put Mathematical logic aside, a normal man will definitely be worried about losing his job or losing customers rather than extra work.

Similarly, there is a general perception among people around the world that creative people like painters or writers are most sensitive about getting edited, however, if you ask a writer, the biggest fear for a writer is the illegal distribution of his writing piece. The thing that bothers a writer most would be his article, story or drama gets published somewhere with the name of some other guy. In order to keep your creative work safe, you ought to use software that can provide your work Copy Protection. Your masterpieces are an evidence your intelligence, so secure your intelligence and do not let it anybody to steal it.

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Worries that You Should NOT Worry About


Worrying is a natural emotion of human kind. You must have thought the worst case scenario before taking any step or making some decision. This is not a sign of being over cautious or psychopath; it is just a defensive reflex that the nature has gifted to you. This reflex helps you to make better decision and plan your steps properly.

Be Prepared for the Worst Case Scenario

The worst outcome of anything is called worst case scenario. Such as, if you plan a picnic on seaside with friends, what can be the worst outcome? You or any of your friends gets drowned, but, will you let go the fun of spending a beautiful day with your pals on a beach? I think you will not. There are risks attached to everything, but, it does not mean that you stop living. Crossing a road can cause a road accident that may result in death, but, it is the worst case scenario and in order to reach your destination, you have to cross the road. Keep in mind the brighter perspective rather than the dark one.

Be Confident

Confidence is the key to success, if you are not confident of yourself and afraid of failures, you just cannot succeed. Keep confidence of yourself that the target you have set to achieve is not beyond your capabilities. Failure is just a part of your struggle, it is not final, and it is not the outcome. Keep trying till the moment you get to your goal, failures teach you lifelong lessons, so do not worry about them.

Don’t Worry about Financial Loss

Loss can be of a numerous of types, one of the commonest is loss in business. When you start a business, you need to look all the aspect of the business. A simple known principle in business is that the higher the risk the bigger the reward. You have to keep in view about the competition that you are going to face, who will be your rivals, marketing growth and other things. One of the biggest sources of loss is when your customers’ data are compromised; you need to make sure that your employee should not be able to carry company’s information with him or her, which is why you need to use software that can provide Copy Protection to your data.

Don’t Worry about Not Winning

Winning and losing is just a part of the game, the thing that counts the most is that you have to give your best. The best characteristic of champions is that they never get worried about failure and always think of winning. If you enter a competition with the thought of embarrassment that you are going to face if you, there is a fair chance that you might lose the competition. On the other hand, if you think positive, the outcome will likely be positive, that is why think about the pride, celebration and fame you are going to enjoy after winning that competition.

Worrying about failures, embarrassments, poverty, losses definitely affect your performance, which is why there is no need to worry, but, to be excited for the upcoming win.

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The Insider Employees and USB Drive—Big Threats to Data

Furto-de-DadosSince the last decade or so, the problem of data security has become severe and getting worse with every day. Stealing data of a company can be more harmful for the company than to lose a fixed asset. The company may suffer a fraud, a heave fine with legislative bodies and the loss of goodwill. As the loss of goodwill cannot be calculated accurately, the company may suffer a loss of millions of Dollars other than the goodwill is the result of a data breach. There are many sources of losing of data; unfortunately, companies only focus on to protect their database from the attacks of the cyber criminals.

The IT experts rate the portable data storing devices such as USB flash drive as a major source of losing data. These small devices are extremely feasible to carry data around and have the immense capability of storing data. If such a device is lost that has confidential information in it, may cause you a huge loss. These USB flash drives do not have much of a built in protection, it can spill all the data out if it fall in the wrong hands. Statistics show that USB flash drives are responsible for a high percentage of data leaked and for the spread of malware that also cause data loss.

Other than the threat imposed on data from the USB flash drive, the employees of a company can also be a big foe of the company’s own data. Using software that can provide Copy Protection of data can be quite helpful in making data secure. Because the employees bring their own devices and they had almost full access to the company’s data. They just copy the desired data on their portable data storing device (usually USB flash drive) and move away with it. These thefts are usually done to make the company’s rival happy against a sum of money or for some other interest.

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Laptops are maybe a Reason for Increasing Data breach

As the technology is getting advanced, the gadgets are becoming more and more equipped and getting more and more mobile. The mobility and portability of the devices have made them a necessity instead of a luxury. The first computer which was built was huge; it was about the size of a whole room. The computer was still slow and had very limited functions. Then it its shape and size got groomed, and start becoming smaller and smaller. When Charles Babbage had thought about making such a machine that would be able to perform numerous operations, he must have not thought that computer will become so efficient some day.

Computer technology has revived by leaps and bounds since the last 30 to 35 years. In the decade of 1970s computer had become a quite established machine to work on. Before the introduction of Windows by Microsoft, the most used operating system was MS DOS. The operating system was not capable enough and had restricted operations. The introduction of Windows boosted the popularity and functionality of the computer. At them time computer was quite expensive as well, not everybody was able to afford it. But, as the computer got popular, it got cheaper and cheaper. The technology used in the computer became easily available which cut off its price.

Computer got a second birth when Alan Kay imagined a computer that could be carried with the user, means the portable computer. Alan Kay named this portable computer as ‘Dynabook’.  In the year of 1981, first portable computer that actually looked like the laptops present at the moment was announced. It had an LCD screen, a rechargeable battery and a mini printer. It was obviously not as efficient as the laptops currently available. Laptops increased the demand of computers as they were portable could be taken anywhere with the user and work on it. Early in the age, laptop became a status symbol for well to do businessman, they were expensive and looked quite stylish.

Since then there had been a competition between the companies to produce the lightest and slimmest laptop. This competition is perhaps won by a Taiwanese company who has produced probably the thinnest and the lightest laptop. The laptop weighs just 1.9 pounds or 870 grams; it is only 10.7 millimeter thick. That is simply amazing, it has the core i7 and i7 processor, which means it will work fast as any of the laptops, its lightness and thinness will not be a barrier in its functionality.

Where these thin, small and light laptops has made feasible to carry the workplace with you, it has brightened the chances of a data breach. According to a study, more than 45 percent of the lost laptops carry confidential information in them. The darker part is that not more than 15 to 16 percent of the laptops have security measures to prevent data breach. Laptops have become a necessity and keeping data in it is somehow mandatory, due to portability, laptops have become an easy target for the thieves and thugs. The confidential information that the laptop contain can easily be taken out by simply copying data on any other storage device. In order to prevent such copying, one should use software that can provide Copy Protection to data saved in laptops.

Data breach can be much more costly than your imagination. The loss of data plus the loss of goodwill, moreover, it further hit in the shape of fine that is being imposed by legislators for data breach. Precaution is better than to cry over spilt milk.

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IT Department—Fight Against Your True Foe

Copy PasteOne of the core responsibilities of IT department is to provide strict security to important data of the company. The dangers of data leakage are high, very common and can put extremely negative effects on the business activities. The majority of the IT professionals has a propensity to focus mainly on the external enemies of the company’s data such as hackers. But, now the companies are realizing that the real threat to their data is from their internal working sources i.e. the employees. As technology is progressing as the days are passing by, and the business background keeps on developing, the IT departments are trying hard to protect their data. The majority of the IT personals is pointing their weapons to tackle the risk of data which are the very own employees of the company. The dangers and consequences of a data breach can be demoralizing for the company of any size. The main concern of the IT department should be to protect data from prying eyes.

Scott & Scott LLP conducted a study with the sample size of more than 700 companies, out of these 700 companies; almost 590 companies claimed that they have suffered a data breach. The data breaches can be devastating for the companies in numerous ways. The most harmful effect of such breach is the fine that is imposed due to the legislation regarding the issue. The other big loss for the company is the loss of goodwill and trust of clients. Clients’ trust is one of the major needs for a successful business; many companies lose their way because of the lack of trust of the customers. The most terrifying nightmare for the company is to get data in the hands of a competitor; it can ruin all the strategies.

To protect data from getting leaked, IT department should find out what is the biggest threat to the security of data. The statistics suggest that more than 30 percent of the breaches are a result of an act of internal employees. Hackers are restricted from accessing the confidential data, but, employees of the company have full access to all the information of the company. This freedom to employees poses the biggest threat to data of the company. Employees may sell sensitive data such as; business strategy, marketing strategies, financial records and other documents to the rival businesses. But, the most common way to keep the security on the line is to avoid security protocols set by the IT department.

To increase the efficiency of the employees, the companies give employees the choice to bring their own device to operate on. This principle is known as BYOD which means ‘Bring Your Own Device’, no doubt this principle has its pros, but, it also has increased the risk of data loss. The risk associated with this principle is that employees can plug their device in for the purpose to perform their duties, but they also can take confidential data of the company with them. IT department ought to use security software that can give Copy Protection to data. It is too easy for the employees to copy and paste records in their device and carry them out of the organization. IT department usually seems to be actively fighting against the cyber criminals, but they usually forget the black sheep in the company and careless people working there.

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