Your Personal Pictures and Videos Are on the Target of Hackers



You must have heard about the recent leak of celebrity photos that made the whole celebs world as well as common people quite worried about their privacy. They made people realize that these hackers are far superior in intelligence and you cannot run from these on line monsters. The recent incidents create a lot of hype, exposed pictures of celebrity and there was a celebrity targeted almost every day. People realized that when such stars are not safe, then what about their security? However, many thought that they are completely safe as they are not famous and why would anyone be interested to get their photos? But, the fact is that all the users that have an existence in the cyber world is on the target of these crooks.

These cyber criminals use a number of techniques and have some real sophisticated tools through which they fetch out the kind of data that they intent to. That desired data can be clients’ credentials, contact information, financial information can be personal pictures and videos. Hackers use your personal photos and videos effectively to harm you financially and in other means as well. For the purpose of keeping intact your privacy, you need to use Secure Photo Gallery Pro, it does not only secure your photos, but, also lets you beautify them artistically.

It is surely a frightening a situation and makes you think about a number of things. You are fond of taking pictures, it is fine, but, do not let them leak. You must sharing your personal photos and videos on every platform, social media sharing should be careful as it can impose some huge risks on your privacy. These small things actually protect you from big hazards, you just need to be wise to make sure you remain safe and sound and no big loss haunt you. Hackers are experts in exploiting the smallest of loopholes, so be careful.

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Top Apps for the Windows Phone OS from Five Different Categories



The trend of using smartphone does not seem dying any time soon. The smartphone market is too competitive, where the manufacturers are trying  to equip their phones with more and more astonishing features. But, the main competition that is underway is for getting the crown of the best operating system for the smartphone. Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS are the fierce rivals in this regard, however, it looks like Microsoft’s Windows Phone is also making its way to the mainstream competition. The Windows Phone OS once lacked the number of quality apps, however, there are some really amazing apps that can tempt you to use Windows Phone. Here are the top apps from different categories.


These smart gadgets in our hands are probably most used for socializing. Windows Phone users can enjoy using Reddit with an amazing app called Readit. It is the best Reddit app that is available for Reddit irrespective of the platform. Readit is regarded as the most stunning app for Reditt and it is liked by the Reditt users so much.  If you are fond of Reditt, go buy Windows Phone and use this app for your pleasure.


There is hardly any argument that Windows Phones feature the best camera in them.  If you are one of those that like to edit pictures before uploading them on the social media or you like to keep them hidden from the prying eyes, Secure Photo Gallery Pro is the app for you. Features like password protection, hack attempts, panic switch, a dynamic photo editor makes this app a desirable app for any person that is fond of photography by his/her smartphone.

Movies + Video

It’s a pleasure to hold your smartphone in your lay down on your bed and see your favorite movie, videos or TV shows. TVShow Plus lets you watch your favorite television programs online and also allows you to download your much loved videos and TV shows with its built in downloader. The app is much recommended, who likes to enjoy their moments on their bed on a small screen.


There are always some uses and some abuses of everything. This principle also applies on the use of smartphones. Some people use it for some indecent acts and some use it for productive purpose. Smartphone is a great device that can be used for education so effectively. Smartboard Calculator is one those apps that educates you, it serves users to solve the most complex of the problems in the blink of an eye. If you struggle with maths, it is surely app engineered for you.


There are people that are just crazy about sports, especially the soccer fans. They like to keep themselves updated with all the latest happenings in the world of soccer. An app called Soccer News gives you the news of every moment about any game that is played at any place around the world. The app fetches news from the most popular of the soccer websites to serve you the best. If you are crazy about soccer? Soccer News can please you.

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Smartphone Obsession is NOT an Addiction



You have an important meeting with your boss, you switch your smartphone before starting the discussion with him. You might feel that your smartphone is vibrating in your pocket and you realize that it is merely a hallucination as your phone is switched off. After having a good session with your boss, you come to your cubicle and turn the phone on expecting notifications from social media, text messages or phone calls, but, you get a feeling of being dejected when you find there is not a single notification to you. Such a feeling dejection signals that you have been addicted to your smartphone and it is hard for you to live without it.

According to the psychology experts, smartphone users do not fall actually in the criteria of being called the addicts. They seem to just love their phone and feel comfortable when their phones are in their reach. This love of smartphone users towards their beloved devices has no real diagnosis in the psychology yet, but, the way it is increasing, it  may soon become a part of this study. Smartphone addiction currently included in the vast meaning of internet addiction in the field of psychology. The anxiety of using the internet has been recently termed as internet addiction in psychology studies.

Gambling is termed as an addiction in the world of Psychology because it gives a wonderful feeling when you win a jackpot. It delights you and make you do it again and again. This cheering feeling on winning the jackpot a memory of what you did and what you achieved that release good feeling chemicals. According to the experts, smartphones also give similar kind of feelings to its users. Receiving  notifications from social networking websites, text messages or calls give you a feeling of happiness, on the other, not getting your phone rung for some time can cause anxiety or you may get a feeling of unease that is surely something not ordinary.

As per a survey that was conducted on 200 students of the Standford University, 34 percent of the students rated themselves as smartphone addicts and 32 percent believed that they may become a victim of such addiction in the future.  However, the experts have a firm believe that smartphone obsession cannot be rated as an addiction as it usage is not as harmful. It distraughts you and makes you angry when you are not connected to the internet, but, does not impose any danger to your life.

However, this excess use of smartphone imposes risks, these risks might not affect your physical or mental health, but, it surely affects your privacy. You may have some important information saved in your smartphone that you do not want to be leaked. One of those sensitive records can be your personal pictures and videos. In order to make sure your photos and videos do not get compromised, you need to use Secure Photo Gallery Pro that will keep all your precious memories that you captured with your mobile camera safe and secure. Smartphone obsession is not rated as an addiction yet, but, to the extent you use your smartphone, should be used carefully and diligently.

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